We invite you to come and be a part of the second Young Life Women's weekend at Woodleaf.
There will be time to relax (if you choose) but this is a Young Life event so expect Young Life style fun, laughter and play! Be prepared to bring out your inner Young Life child. We will have an opportunity to hear from our wonderful speaker Lindsay Bridges and receive practical tools for growth and change in during our break-out seminars. Join us as we engage in the transforming grace and love of our Lord Jesus!
Seminar topics include:
- Boundaries: Knowing yourself & learning to live authentically
- Being Single in the church
- Help! I'm a parent and I can't find the manual!
- Experiencing Presence
- Lectio Divina
- Self-compassion - A Journey out of Shame
Our weekend will begin with dinner at 6:30 Friday evening. You may plan to arrive any time after 4 pm. We will have brunch on Sunday and end our time around noon.
The cost for early registration is: $160.00
Let us know you’re coming and REGISTER NOW.