We Give Because God Gives First
We believe that everything we have in life is a gift from God. Because he first gave to us, our action should be to pass that blessing on to others. Giving should always be done as an act of love, as demonstrated in the early church when the community came together to share the brand new gospel of Jesus with the world. Your gifts and offerings are essential to helping us complete our mission of sharing the love of Christ to our community, to our nation, and to all of humankind.
Financial transparency is a core value of our giving mission, and we are happy to share our annual report and budget with you. Please feel free to reach out to the church office or pastoral team if you have questions about our financial stewardship.
Give Online
Giving online is fast, easy, and secure.
You may make and manage, your giving transactions through the ChurchTeams.com online giving portal.
Tithes and Offerings: Donations to Celtic Cross Church support makes the day-to-day ministries and services of the church possible.
Special Funds: Periodically, opportunities to designate a donation to a specific ministry initiative become available.
Missions: These are activities that include outreach into our community and support of missions in our area and around the world.
Christian Education: Our children's ministry, youth ministry, and adult Bible studies that develop our congregation in Christian faith.
Compassion: Our team of Deacons work to care for our friends at home and assist people who are experiencing challenging events in their lives.
Worship: This category includes the costs for us to provide vibrant worship services each week for you to rejoice in the Christian life with other believers.
Operations: The foundation for us to be able to spread the love of Christ in Citrus Heights is our team of staff and our physical building. We rely heavily on volunteer labor to offset many costs associated with maintenance and improvement.
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”